Padstow North Public School Fair Discipline Procedures
“A quality education in a caring environment”
At Padstow North Public School we are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.
In NSW public schools students are expected to:
- Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members
- Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
- Strive for the highest standards in learning
- Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
- Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
- Comply with the school’s uniform policy or dress code
- Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
- Respect all property
- Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools
- Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools
Schools take strong action in response to behaviour that is detrimental to self or others or to the achievement of high quality teaching and learning (DOE Behaviour Code for Students). For more information click here to access the Department Of Educations Behaviour Code for Students.
“At Padstow North PS we build students to be safe respectful learners who build, repair and maintain healthy relationships”
Our School Values
Getting along – I can get along with others by accepting everyone, showing respect and being safe.
Persistence – I want to learn and I keep trying when something is challenging. Success comes from hard work.
Resilience – I can solve problems effectively and show strength when times are tough.
Confidence – I attempt all tasks and can share my ideas and opinions with others respectfully during learning and play.
Organisation – I set goals to achieve my personal best, and I come to school ready to learn.
"We use restorative conversations to give students a voice, resolve conflict, maintain friendships and to develop the strategies to solve problems."
For more information, including the school's
- Behaviour Support and Management Plan
- Anti-Bullying Plan
- Department of Education's Behaviour Code for Students
Please click on the link below titled, Padstow North PS Behaviour Support and Management Plan: